
Five Good Money Habits To Teach Young Kids

January 25th, 2021|Categories: Money|

Experts agree that children form money attitudes and habits by age seven. That’s one reason why it’s best to begin financial lessons early. Modeling good saving and spending behaviors early in their lives will set them off on the right foot. Here are five effective money habits to teach young kids. […]

Top 5 Budgeting Apps For Reaching Your Financial Goals

January 15th, 2021|Categories: Money|

Sticking to a budget will help you save money for emergencies and retirement, as well as stash aside cash for important goals like a brand new home. It also prevents you from overspending. According to one study, U.S households that carried credit card debt in 2020 paid on average a little over $1,100 in interest fees. To keep your eye on the prize this year, we’ve rounded up the top five budgeting apps. […]

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