Today is National Philanthropy Day. What better way to celebrate than to consider ways you can get involved with some of your favorite local charities. You don’t even have to write a check to make an impact. Here are four ways to get involved and help local charities.

Volunteer Your Time

One of the most popular ways that people enjoy getting involved is by donating time. You can help for a few hours at a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, or being part of a big brother/big sister program. This is a great way to give back and lend a helping hand.

Volunteer Your Skills

Local charities are always looking for volunteers that can assist by offering their skills. Skills like graphic design, cooking, cutting hair, or art can make a big impact.  Call your local organizations and find out what opportunities may be available.

Host a Fundraiser

You can volunteer your time AND skills is by organizing and hosting a fundraiser. This could be a 5K run, bake sale, or a food drive. By offering to help host a fundraiser you can make a great impact on your local charities by getting them the things they need most.

Donate Items

Is it time to organize and declutter your home? Put aside items that are in good condition and donate them to a charity in need. While you may no longer have use for certain items in your home, there will definitely be someone who could make use of it.


So, if you are interested in getting involved and giving back, but are on a budget, these are some great ideas to get you started. Visit our website or call a Member Specialist today at 800–422–5852 to learn other ways to help you budget your funds and set aside money for charities each year.