It’s hard to believe that the year is almost coming to an end. While the new year brings about a feeling of excitement and endless opportunity, it’s also time to review all of your finances from this past year. If you don’t know where to start when it comes to reviewing your finances, we have put together a financial checklist for you to keep track.

1. Budget

Reviewing your progress is a great start to your financial checklist. Review this past year’s budget along with your spending and see how you did.

2. Set Goals

Next, set goals for the next year based off of last year’s habits.

3. Review Your Debt

Take a look at your progress in paying off your debt and see if you have any leftover funds to put towards this.

4. Contribute to 401-K

Now is a great time to contribute a little extra to your 401-K with extra funds.

5. Review Your Assets

See what investments you’ve made and where you can improve.

6. Flexible Spending Account

If you have a flexible spending account with leftover funds, now is the time to take advantage.

7. Look at Your Insurance Policies

Review your insurance policies to make sure you are getting everything you need so you are covered.

8. Open Enrollment

If you receive benefits from your company, this is usually the time for open enrollment which means it’s time for you to review your policy.

9. Review Your Credit Report

Get a free copy of your credit report to see where you are at for the coming year.

10. Take a Look at Your Beneficiaries

Now is the time to make sure you have everyone listed as a beneficiary that you want so you are ready for the new year.


There are many ways to prepare for the new year and your personal finances are one of the most important aspects to take a look at. Interested in learning more? Visit our website or call a Member Specialist today at 800–422–5852 to learn how we can help.