Labor Day is just around the corner, and you may be looking for a chance to get away and destress. A road trip is a great way to experience our beautiful state, while staying safe and healthy. We want to help you enjoy your time and keep everyone comfortable, so we put together this list of tips to help you make your road trip as enjoyable as possible.

  1. Pack Your Sanitation Items – It is vital that you prioritize the health and safety of your family and our community. Don’t forget your masks, hand sanitizer, hand wipes, and disinfectant wipes!
  2. Do Your Research – If you’re planning to explore somewhere new, or somewhere you haven’t visited in a long time, take the time to do your research. Find places to stay, eat, visit, and enjoy while you’re there.
  3. Pack Some Snacks – Long road trips can be made even longer with frequent stops. Instead, pack your favorite snacks in a cooler so you don’t need to stop every time someone gets hungry.
  4. Bring Comfort Items – Keeping yourself and your family comfortable during your trip can make a big difference in your experience. Bring comfortable blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, and comfy shoes along for the trip.
  5. Plan Your Stops Ahead of Time – Long road trips are easier when they’re broken into pieces. Plan your stops beforehand and think of activities to do when you get there, especially if you have kids coming along.
  6. Bring the Must-Haves – Don’t forget the car safety basics. You should always have a first aid kit, car safety hammer, jumper cables, flashlight, and phone charger in the event of a break-down or emergency.
  7. Bring Kid-Friendly Activities – If you’re bringing kids along, plan ahead and make sure they don’t get bored. Simple things like books, crayons, toys, binoculars, and music can go a long way in keeping the trip fun and stress-free for everyone.
  8. Stay Flexible – No amount of planning can account for the unexpected. If a plan falls through due to weather, closures, time, or difficulty, simply adjust. Don’t let something small ruin an otherwise fun trip.