Many Americans have long-dreamed of owning a motorhome or RV. In fact, about 10 million U.S. citizens already own them, and the demand for them has only skyrocketed during the pandemic. It’s not unusual to think of them as a perfect way to retire. Here, seven great reasons to follow your dreams.

You Can Live On Less Money

When you compare the cost of a physical home to that of a recreational vehicle, which would be your new living quarters, then the price is significantly lower. Plus, with a little resourcefulness, it’s not unusual to be able to find free places to park each night.

No Property Taxes

This may sound like a no brainer, but when you think about actual property taxes in certain states, this news comes as a big relief to many retirees.

More Daily Exercise Equals Better Health

A smaller abode and frequent exploration across state lines means you’ll spend more time outdoors and on the move. Daily walks and hikes are excellent for your overall health.

You’ll Spend Less Money On Basically Everything

Again, a smaller living space means less places to store stuff. This could include furniture, sports equipment, knickknacks, and even clothing.

Your “Backyard View” Will Change Often

Ever get tired of the same old view from your home? A real benefit of living in an RV is that your view will literally change almost daily. The road less traveled awaits!

You’ll Meet New People

Just how well do you know, or even like, your next-door neighbors? Owning a motorhome enables you to get out and meet people from all over, and most likely, people who you share things in common with. Enjoy the ride!

You Can Visit with More of Your Family (If you want to…)

While the global pandemic has made traveling and visiting distant family members more challenging, owning an RV will make it easier to reach loved ones and spend more time with them.


If owning a motorhome sounds exciting to you, call a member specialist at 800-422-5852 to learn how we can get you in the RV of your dreams.